German / Deutsch

Freundeskreis Metallbaukasten

15th. Annual Meeting of „Freundeskreis Metallbaukasten“

September, 30st – October 3rd, 2016 at „Hotel Münnich“ Münster, Germany.

The 15th annual meeting for the German friends of metal -construction-kits will be hold at Münster, Germany September 30st – October 3rd 2016.

The annual meetings of the list-members of „Freundeskreis Metallbaukasten“ are meetings in a familiar atmosphere. The meeting was started as an introductory meeting in 2001, nowadays they have a fix place in the calendar of many German enthusiasts. Usually more than 50 builders and collectors show their treasures and models. Very large models, small models but even rare kits and exotic systems. The emphasis is on the systems which are popular in Germany: Most enthusiasts use MÄRKLIN, TRIX, STABIL or 10mm-systems like EITECH and its predecessors.

Appointment: for the meeting:

The registration for the meeting in 2016 can be done by phone (+49 251 / 61870) directly at the hotel or by mail ( Please use the code-word „Metallbaukasten“ for the booking of the room. A single room costs 67.00€ per day inclusive breakfast and a double room costs 87.00€ per day inclusive breakfast. Additionally, please inform the organizer per mail, If any questions are left, do not hesitate to contact the organizer of this year.

Registration-page for the mailing-list:


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